Ett - User guide - Factory reset

If your Ett is behaving unexpectedly or you are having difficulty pairing, follow the steps below (or jump straight to the factory reset in this Quick Start video) to perform a factory reset. This will reset the connection with your paired devices as well as the connection between the two earbuds.

  1. Turn off Bluetooth on your device.
  2. "Forget" the earphones in your Bluetooth settings on all devices that your Ett has been previously paired with.
  3. Put both the earbuds back into the case.
  4. Lift the left earbud out of the case and press the button 8 times.
  5. When the LED light starts flashing red and white quickly, place the left earbud back in the case.
  6. Lift the right earbud out of the case and press the button 8 times.
  7. When the LED light starts flashing red and white quickly on the right earbud too, lift the left earbud out of the case. 
  8. Press both buttons on both earbuds two times (at the same time). 
  9. The reset is now complete, allow the earbuds to remain inside the case for about 2-3 minutes before pairing them with a device again.
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